Wednesday, June 8, 2011

So Long Public Schools....It's Time We Said Goodbye.


I have been more anxious for this day than my son was! 

The LAST day of school - and not just before summer break.

Hopefully for GOOD.

Those of you who have been following this blog already know about the decision we made to homeschool our children.  And if you read that entire novel I wrote, then you also understand our reasoning why.

I have been scouring the internet, harrassing fellow homeschooling parents and following online groups, blogs, facebook pages - DIGGING for information and poring through catalogs to decide on our curriculum.

For now, I think we have a plan-
Plans can always change -
especially when it comes to children...
but for now
I feel confident in our decision and how we plan to school our children.

It's been such an exciting step for us to take that I could hardly wait for my little man to get off the bus on his last day in the Public School System and walk home to us -

where he can stay to learn,
to play,
to be himself,
to just be FREE.

Not bound by rules and judgement and criticism from people that don't want to listen to his 6 year old imagination

But with people who embrace his ideas and have a reason for wanting to see him succeed in everything he does. 

And where he can have a curriculum designed specifically to fit his individual needs and learning style.

I think that is pretty special.

So in one week -
we start our journey of year round schooling.

AND finally STOP
wishing, hoping, PRAYING,
the Public Schools will change
in time for OUR KIDS.


  1. Good luck! Praying for encouragement for you! We also homeschool and will be looking forward to new posts on homeschooling!
